October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!
This is what the kids see when they come to trick or treat at our house. The parents and the kids love our house, even if they do get a little scared. Beautiful weather today so we had a pretty good turn out!

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October 30, 2009

Halloween Eve at Bristol! We went down for costume fun and the release of the Black Fox Samhain Pumpkin Saison- pretty tasty. Carl looked particularly creepy manning the bar as the Grim Reaper.

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October 29, 2009

The ever-cute puppy!

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October 28, 2009

Another of my favorite Fall items - the Red Daffy Apple!

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October 27, 2009

My favorite part of a "Down Day".

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October 26, 2009

I got a Serger sewing machine today off of Craigslist! I am very excited about this, such a deal too- only $40, and it came with it's very own "Grandpa" table. (The father of the previous owner made the table for his wife so she could easily use the machine-reminds me of all the things my Grandpa used to make.) Now, if I only knew how to work it..

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October 25, 2009

I am so not ready for this..

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October 24, 2009

It was a beautiful Fall day today and I spent most of it at home with the pup. In the evening I went to book club which was hosted by Alexis at her parents house. The book was Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami- an interesting book but definitely not my thing.

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October 23, 2009

We went down to Pueblo tonight for Alan's last day as head brewer at the Shamrock. Jason is now the man there and Alan starts at Phantom Canyon on Monday.

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October 22, 2009

Continuing with the Fall and Halloween theme - Halloween lights!

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October 21, 2009

One of my favorite fall things - Pumpkin Beer!

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October 20, 2009

Getting ready for Halloween!

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October 19, 2009

When the sunrise catches up to the time that I get up in the morning you know it is time for the time change. I hate getting up in the dark!

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October 18, 2009

Beautiful fall day!

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October 17, 2009

Carl went fishing today and caught the biggest Rainbow trout I've ever seen- it measures 21 1/2 inches and weighs 4 lbs 10 ounces!

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October 16, 2009

I went over to the CC campus to take pictures of these cool structures? sculptures? I'm not sure what you call them but I really like them. This little squirrel was hanging out in one of the "windows" looking cute so of course I had to take his picture too.

It was a very long week at work, glad the weekend is here!

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October 15, 2009

Had Champers over to play tonight- have been trying to get him over here all week! The days are getting too short..

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October 14, 2009

Tonight we went out for our anniversary because we never made it out of the house on Sunday due to the cold weather- we're wimps, I know. We went to Bristol for a beer and then Blue Star for dinner. Yum!

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October 12, 2009

Tonight we went to the Stiles' house to watch Monday Night Football and have dinner and beer. With all the excitement of the football game I forgot to take very many pictures except for two of my buddy Nanaimo. Delicious food and beer, too bad the Jets lost!

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October 10, 2009

Picking out pumpkins.

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October 9, 2009

Top picture from the Winter Warlock release at Bristol. The party continues at South Side Johnny's, drinks and dancing with the girls!

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October 7, 2009

Pears from "The Club".

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October 6, 2009

Leaving for work today I noticed a really green leaf stuck to my car. Looking closer I saw the legs- what a freaky bug!

Apparently it is a katydid. They also come in a really pretty pink color- pretty cool!

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October 4, 2009

Watching the Broncos win!

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October 3, 2009

Carl fishing on Mirror Lake and then two pictures of Cottonwood Pass. We were supposed to stay at our "cabin" tonight but ended up going home because we missed our puppy! Good to be home.

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October 2, 2009

We headed out today and our first stop was the Irwin Cemetery. This was the oldest tombstone- from 1881. There was a sign outside the cemetery that said 50 people were buried there back in the day but this is the only one we found - there were a few more modern burials. We then went on to what was supposed to be the ghost town of Irwin but we found that it had been re-built with probably 20 newer houses and the old town was totally gone- very disappointing and what is with people in mountain areas not picking up the crap they have all around their houses??
Then we went to Lost Lake which was a very pretty lake. Carl went fishing while I read my camera manual and watched a cute little chipmunk. He found a chip that Carl dropped- on accident, I swear we were not feeding the animals!
I learned many things about my camera including the fact that there is a black and white mode- it captures the moment so perfectly!

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October 1, 2009

We left Ouray today for Almont. I don't feel like we had enough time in Ouray this year but at least we aren't going home yet! In the top picture I am posing with the carved bear at the entrance to the Riverside where we stay every year. Carl posing with his licorice pipe. Deer on the side of the road- I think it's funny that we never see them when we are out hiking in the middle of nowhere! Last picture of the scrub oak leaves that are particularly colorful this year.

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