Making the so-called Amish Friendship Bread! Basically a delicious chain letter that you force upon your friends. (Monica actually did ask before she gave it to me!) I had been given one of these starters before and ended up throwing it out so I was kinda curious.
You mash the bag for 10 days, and add some ingredients and then on the 10th day you get to make the bread and then you end up with four "starters" that you then have to give to others- keeping one for yourself. That scares me because if I keep one for myself I will quickly run out of people to give it to, especially if all the people I give it to, then give it to people they know and then those people give it to people they know and so on, and so on, and so on- FOREVER! It kinda scares me. So I looked up how to end it. I think that is really for the best..
42, 22.